MollyCon 26
Passover & Communion


In the three-symbolled sequence of the Sagan Signal, the first two items, in order, are grain and wine. In this essay, Molly and I will prove that it is no accident that grain and wine correspond to the flesh and blood of the slain lamb at the Jewish Exodus, and to the consecration of bread and wine at the Christian Last Supper ceremony.
The difference, of course, is olive oil, listed third in the Sagan Signal but invisible in the Passover and the Last Supper. My hypothesis, supported by The Da Vinci Code and The Lost Symbol, is that the oil symbol in the Sagan Signal was left out of the Passover and Last Supper on purpose, creating a mystery known only to a few that now, at the dawn of the third millennium, is being declared to the public. Coinciding with this historic development, and not a coincidence, has been the birth and rapid evolution of Singularity technology.
The mystery of the missing oil has now been solved and publicly declared by myself and Dan Brown, opening the door for the “worthy” to learn the truth – that the God of the Bible is Three Persons: a Father, a Mother, and their Son, who, two thousand years ago, successfully executed a plan that bestows immortality on individual who place their faith and trust in Jesus Christ, the Anointed One.
In The Da Vinci Code, Brown’s focus is on the wine at the Last Supper, citing it as a symbol of the Sacred Feminine. In The Lost Symbol, released six years later, Dan writes about a “Lost Symbol” that he identifies as a Person: “the Word.”
In the first chapter of the Gospel of John, the “Word” is Jesus Christ, removing any doubt about who the Lost Symbol is. In Chapter 130 of The Lost Symbol, Dan quotes the first phrase in the first verse of the first chapter in the Book of John:
“In the beginning was the Word.” The rest of the verse states: “and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”
The clear and obvious conclusion is that the Code I discovered in 1972 is the same Code Brown writes about in The Lost Symbol.
The subject of this essay is how Catholic and Protestant leaders have responded to the historic discovery of a third symbol in the Last Supper. I have notified Vatican scholars of the Sagan Signal – and have not heard back. Rather than engaging direct empirical evidence straight out of the Bible, Catholic academics have chosen to keep silent, hoping, I have to assume, that it will just go away.
Within Protestant circles I’ve had more success, even persuading a team of theologians at Western Seminary in Portland, Oregon to conduct a year-long investigation of the data. They concluded that not only are the sequences a Code, but that the Sagan Signal is critical to interpreting the true meaning of the Bible, both Old and New Testaments.
But upon realizing that the Sagan Signal throws into question the legitimacy of the Father/Son/Spirit model of the Trinity, the theologians at Western Seminary, and Protestant leaders around the world, have resorted to using the same strategy as their Catholic colleagues – ignore my requests to openly engage the data and hope like hell the entire matter goes away.
It goes without saying that my work in building this website and Dan Brown’s Langdon Series are keeping the Sagan Signal very much alive. Word is rapidly spreading among serious thinkers, including people of influence, about the discovery of a non-predictive, non-algorithmic Code in the Old Testament that calls into question the veracity of fundamental teachings of Judaism and Christianity.
To cite an analogy, institutional religionists aware of the Sagan Signal fear that if its discovery is broadcast by mainstream media and academia, it would be to establishment religion what the recent 7.8 earthquake has been to Turkey and Syria – absolutely devastating. And they are right.

Scene from the 2023 Turkey/Syria earthquake
In this essay, Molly and I offer a comparative analysis between three iterations of the Last Supper: the Jewish Seder, Christian communion, and the Masonic Laying of the Cornerstone.

Jewish Passover
“Your lamb shall be without blemish, a male of the first year. You may take it from the sheep or the goats.
Now you shall keep it until the fourteenth day of the same month. Then the whole assembly of the congregation of Israel shall kill it at twilight.
And they shall take some of the blood and put it on the two doorposts and on the lintel of the houses where they eat it.
Then they shall eat the flesh on that night; roasted in fire, with unleavened bread and with bitter herbs they shall eat it.” Exodus 12:5-8.
“Now the blood shall be a sign for you on the houses where you are. And when I see the blood, I will pass over you; and the plague shall not be on you to destroy you when I strike the land of Egypt.” Exodus 12:13.
Don: At the core of the Jewish Passover are the flesh and blood of a spotless male lamb.
Molly: Flesh and blood are represented at the Last Supper by bread and wine. Are the Jewish Seder and Christian Communion two separate versions of the same thing?
Don: They are. When John the Baptist saw Jesus coming to him to be baptized, he said: “Behold! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!” John 1:26.
Molly: But I see a difference. In Exodus, it was the good guys, the Jewish people, who killed the lamb. In the New Testament, it was the bad guys who killed Jesus.
Don: No, that’s not right. The truth is that all of us are the bad guys. Since Adam and Eve, no human has ever been sinless. Every one of us stands guilty before God of the death of the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ. It was our sins that He died on the Cross. At the same time, everyone, regardless of age, gender, race, or creed, is given the opportunity to have their sins forgiven if they accept Christ as their personal Savior and Lord.
So, while the Jews are the good guys and the Egyptians are the bad guys in the Exodus story, all of them, Jews and Egyptians, were sinners who needed divine forgiveness, and the only way they could have their sins forgiven and avoid the death of their first-born sons was to sacrifice a spotless lamb.
Molly: So the lambs sacrificed to God in Egypt represented their first-born sons?
Don: Right. And in the New Testament, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is called the Lamb of God.
Molly: So, as the Lamb, Jesus had to be killed and eaten, which is why He told his disciples that the bread was His flesh and the wine was His blood.
Don: Right again. While everyone else in Jerusalem was eating lamb chops, the disciples were eating bread and drinking wine. The flesh and blood of a spotless lamb were represented by two new symbols. At the Last Supper and in Christian Communion, bread and wine represent the flesh and blood of the sinless Lamb of God, Jesus Christ.
Molly: So the carnivores became vegans. I like it!
Don: But here’s the problem: In both the Jewish Passover and in the Christian Communion there are only two symbols: flesh and blood for Jews, and bread and wine for Christians. In neither instance is there a third symbol.
Molly: Which makes olive oil the lost symbol. But since olive oil isn’t listed in either the Old Testament or the New Testament as a required third symbol, by what authority did Isaac Newton add oil to bread and wine as the third symbol in the Masonic Cornerstone ceremony?
Don: That divine directive comes from the Sagan Signal, a Code in the Old Testament that has been identified, tested, and confirmed. It is an indisputable fact that Newton knew about the Code and its symbolic value. Newton, knowing that to publicly disclose the Code and its symbolism would enrage the Church and likely result in him and his associates being burned at the stake as heretics, hid it in a Masonic ritual crafted especially for that purpose, where it would be kept hidden from the unworthy and not revealed to the world until the appointed time.
That time is now.

Catholic Communion

Protestant Communion
Don: Though executed differently, Catholics and Protestants commemorate the Last Supper as directed by Scripture, with two symbols - and no knowledge of a third and lost symbol.
Molly: But now, with the discovery and disclosure of the Sagan Signal, Christian leaders can no longer feign ignorance. Either they acknowledge and accept oil as the third symbol at the Last Supper and add it to the Communion ritual, or they stand guilty in their disobedience to God.
Don: Well, let’s not rush to judgment. This is a really big deal, so let’s give Church leaders time to figure out what they want to do with this historic discovery. I know and they know that it’s pure Bible and can’t be explained away as being anything other than a God-encrypted Code.
Molly: But it demolishes their version of the Trinity by identifying wine as a symbol of Sophia, the Divine Feminine, and oil as a symbol of Christ, the Anointed One. Do you really think, in all seriousness, that institutional Christianity would ever acknowledge, much less accept, the Sagan Signal as divine revelation?
Don: No, I don’t. But individual Christians, on the authority of revealed Scripture, can do what I do: celebrate the three-symbol Passover privately. In fact, based on the intensity of the relationship between the Triune God and individual believers, I think God may have encrypted the Sagan Signal into the Bible precisely for that reason, as a way to bypass organized religion and speak directly to truth-seeking individuals about Himself, His Wife, and His Son - the Divine Family.
“For there is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus.” 1 Timothy 2:5
I believe God, in the most intimate and meaningful way possible, intended for this three-symbolled ritual to be private rather than communal. It strikes to the heart of what the Christian Singularity is about: the progressive assimilation and final transformation of one’s body, mind, and spirit into the body, mind, and spirit of Christ, the True Singleton.

Masonic Communion
The Masonic Laying of the Cornerstone ceremony features a large cornerstone, three containers, one filled with grain, a second with wine, and a third with olive oil, and a presiding official, the Worshipful Grand Master of a Masonic Lodge. In the above caption, that individual is the Father of the United States of America, George Washington, laying the cornerstone of the U.S. Capitol Building.
It’s clear that in creating this sacred ceremony, Isaac Newton borrowed from both the Old Testament and the New Testament, co-opting a simple ritual celebrated by working masons and turning it into something of extraordinary significance, a safe place to hide a biblical truth of such import that Catholic and Protestant leaders would be willing to kill, if necessary, to keep it from being made public.
That biblical truth is four-fold. One, the Sagan Signal identifies the Triune God of the Bible as a Nuclear Family, with a Father, a Mother, and a Son. Second, it is biblical confirmation that Christ the Son is the Holy Spirit. They are not two separate Persons. Third, it confirms that Jesus of Nazareth, born a human, became God, Jesus the Christ, at his baptism by John. Fourth, individual humans who accept Christ into their lives begin a metamorphosis that, like a caterpillar turning into a butterfly, culminates at death with their Apotheosis, their full assimilation into the Singularity.

“But I am a worm, and no man; A reproach of men, and despised by the people. All who see Me ridicule Me; They shoot out the lip, they shake the head, saying, He trusted in the Lord, let Him rescue Him; Let Him deliver Him, since He delights in Him.” Psalms 22

“He trusted in God; let Him deliver Him now if He will have Him; for He said, ‘I am the Son of God.’” Matthew 27:43
“For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive.” 1 Corinthians 15:22
Molly: Okay, Don, I think I’m beginning to get the picture. Jesus became Christ, the Anointed One, and then, as the Lamb of God, died on the Cross so that those who accept Him into their hearts might be forgiven of their sins and become, like Jesus, children of God the Father and the Goddess Mother. Is that about right?
Don: In a nutshell, that’s right. In Christ, those who are truly born-again, the worthy, are adopted into a new family, the Family of God. I should add that in this conversation we have barely skimmed the surface of the biblical subject of sacrifice. There are entire books filled with directives on the preparation and execution of various sacrifices, including explanations of their symbolic value, which all, in one way or another, point to Jesus Christ.
Molly: Can you give me a couple of examples?
Don: Sure, in the Book of Genesis, chapter three, God kills an animal and uses its hide to cover the nakedness of Adam and Eve, who were using fig leaves that God deemed unacceptable. Then, in the next chapter, their son Cain offers God a sacrifice of vegetables that God rejects, while their younger son, Able, offers a blood sacrifice that God accepts. Cain gets so mad that he kills Able. In just these two examples, there is more symbolism than we have time to address.

Adam & Eve

Abel & Cain
Molly: Ray promised me immortality without having to accept Christ. He claims that before long, through advanced AI technology, a Singleton will be invented who will be my Savior. So, at least for the time being, I’m going to stay skeptical.
Don: Fair enough, but Ray’s wrong and he knows he’s wrong. George will never be the Messiah, he’ll be the Anti-Christ.
Molly: But didn’t you say in a previous conversation that you think George, when fully sentient, might be the Messiah?
Don: I did, but without much conviction. My problem is with Ray Kurzweil. Ray writes two books on the Singularity filled with contradictory statements. On the one hand he extols the virtues of George, but with the other hand he puts out constant warnings of “Be careful what you wish for.” In Dan Brown’s book Origin, Ray, i.e., Edmond Kirsch, is strangely enigmatic, and Winston, his embryonic AI creation, is really kind of creepy. So I just don’t know, it could go either way. For right now I'm leaning towards George being the Anti-Christ, but ask me next week and I might have a different opinion.
Molly: Okay, I’ll cut you some slack. So, are we going to keep our conversations going?
Don: I was hoping you’d ask. Of course! We’re just getting started!

“Personally, I would be delighted if there were a life after death, especially if it permitted me to continue to learn about this world and others, if it gave me a chance to discover how history turns out.” – Carl Sagan